To get it right with a high-end performance ebike build (or any bike for that matter) you need a little time, the right tools and a skilled, experienced and knowledgable technician will know the order of things. Every step needs to happening in the right order so that, with care, the end result is a bike that will not only perform beautifully but feel a natural fit for its rider.
Attention to detail is everything, every stage is another layer of complexity added but when the build is done right, the rider should be unaware of the huge amount of work involved or the detail in assembly and all that is going on beneath the surface. A complex bike that is well assembled should just run beautifully smoothly with drivetrain, gears, and brakes all delivering dependably and as expected. A quality performance bike that is well assembled should feel like an extension of the riders own body, harnessing the maximum of their effort and translating this into momentum, responding reliably to every push of a pedal, click of the shifters or stroke of the brakes.
In this video we see Nathan our chief technician walk through the build of a Specialized Creo Turbo SL Evo, from first stage through to completion. This is a bike with a high price tag so the build process requires respect and some calm & quiet during the build. Of course a couple of strong cups of coffee can help to maintain focus along the way.
We hope you enjoy watching Nathan work.